
Incoming Freshman:
Welcome to David Douglas Football
On this page, you can find all the information you need to be part of the David Douglas Football Family. Please read carefully and make sure you take care of all paperwork prior to the season. We look forward to you contributions to the David Douglas Football program! Remember, High School Sports require commitment and you are expected to attend ALL practices and games when mandatory practices start in August. This includes practice on Labor Day!!! Plan ahead.
Questions? Contact Head Varsity Coach Jay Williams at jay_williams@ddsd40.org

The cost to play all sports at the high school is $100. All payments MUST be made at the high school athletic office. All fees must be paid in full before you can practice. David Douglas High School is at 1001, SE 135th, Portland OR, 97233. The phone number is 503-262-8300
ALL incoming 9th Graders must have a physical. Physicals must be completed after June 1, 2022. ALL 9th Graders will need to update their physical prior to football season starting on August 15! You cannot attend any practices in August until you have a physical and are cleared. Physical forms can be found under the download section on this site or just download below. If you want to get a physical from the student health center, please make an appointment (the sooner the better!) at 503-988-3554.
Athletic Application/Paperwork
All players must register online through the DDSD web page